Communio Calling
Infused with the values of our Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition, Communio Calling is a dynamic conversation and connection point for the Good Samaritan Education community and beyond to nurture and share story, faith and life.
Communio Calling
BENet23 & Manquehue Visit
Good Samaritan Education
Season 3
Episode 9
In our final episode of Communio Calling for 2023, GSE delegates discuss their whirlwind South American adventure to this year’s BENet Conference and visit to Chile's lay Benedictine Manquehue Community.
Hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in October, about 180 representatives from 16 countries gathered to share their insights as educators in the Benedictine tradition
On route to Rio, the GSE group spent time with the Manquehue community in Santiago, Chile, forming deep connections while exploring another expression of Benedictine education and community.