Communio Calling
Infused with the values of our Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition, Communio Calling is a dynamic conversation and connection point for the Good Samaritan Education community and beyond to nurture and share story, faith and life.
Communio Calling
The Unfolding Spirit of Benedictine Life
Good Samaritan Education
Season 4
Episode 7
In this special episode, Gabrielle Sinclair is joined in conversation with Sister Teresa Jackson OSB, the prioress of the Centre for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St Gertrude in Cottonwood, Idaho.
Sister Teresa, with wit, strength and vulnerability, shares her faith journey and the steps of transformation she and her community are evolving in their expression of Benedictine life and ministry.
This dynamic conversation has many interesting insights for all communities who are nuancing who they are called to be for the realities of this moment. Sister Teresa will be the keynote speaker for the upcoming Good Samaritan Oblate Community Gathering, breaking open the theme The Spirit Unfolding: Who Are We Now?